Family Promise of Greater Phoenix
Family Promise of Greater Phoenix
- Address:7221 E. Belleview Street #5
- City:Phoenix
- State:AZ
- Zip:85257
- Phone:(480) 659-5227
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About Family Promise of Greater Phoenix
Family Promise rescues primarily first time homeless families from the streets and provides emergency shelter and basic needs in a program designed to assist their return to self-sufficiency. Our program strives to keep the family together, including the family pet - our shelter includes a pet sanctuary, the first such program in Arizona.
The Family Promise Emergency Shelter Program provides more than just shelter. We help families cope with their current housing crisis and teach them life-skills that enables them to return to independent living and self-sufficiency. Clients in this program are served during the day at our Day Center and are transported by van to hosting congregations at night. There volunteers prepare and serve our families dinner, provide safe sleeping quarters, play with the children, help students with their homework, and provide companionship to their parents. Each morning the families are transported back to our Day Center where they have access to showers and laundry facilities, clothing and meals, play areas for the children, the internet and computers for job and housing searches, and case management, counseling and life-skills training.
This shelter accepts the homeless AND their pets